Saturday, February 26, 2011

say no to plastic bag!

selamat malam..

last nite, i was off to dinner... baliknye tula.. singah pi giant jap..
sje nk jenjalan "shopping"... asik teperap jek kat ofis an...haha
so aku pn bli la somting at guardian...
cari pekakas dapo hoh? ade ke..perkakas dapo?
actly bli brg cosmetik i..yg da abes..huwawaaaa kosmetik kata dia..
yele like hair gel, n dedorant..somting like that la...huhu

so..Today is saturday! yup!..
u must remember! "today is no plastic bag" k! hehe..
[ written on counter...tuut.. ]
leh lak aku lpe nk bwk hand bag..~lalalaa...(means..bag kecik la..)
nasib tdi, aku pakai sumbat dalam jaket jek..hoho..
penoh da kocek aku.. nk wat cmne...da tu je yg ader..ngeee~

tpi nye kan..aku like hari sbtu..
coz sume org bwk brg2 yg d'bili using byhand jek..wehuu,..
like me la...coz t'lupe...! hemoh3...

yeahh! this good idea.. org kata save world la kn!
lagi best klu hari tu dia wat isnin smpi lagi okey cmtu..
baru la hari tnpe bag plastik an..tol ax? then sbtu ahad je gne
kang x pasal2 aku ne damn...~ngeee...
sowi2 ye.. my opinion jek... ^^)


~my cosmetics ..LoL :P


  1. td pegi shoping gak . naseb i ade hndbag . lo ta tataw na letak mane brg2 tuh .
    *oke , tetibe rase gdik na mampus :p

  2. ok gak,klu wat tiap2 hari....hahaha
    sabtu ahad jer bole pkai beg plastik...pastu sabtu ahad jela penuh org kt shopping complex,,,hehhe...rasenye ari sabtu lg untung kt dirg skrg nie,klu nk beg plastik kena duit rm0.20-rm0.50 kot ,ari len free jer...hahaha

  3. si chenta : yeke..huhu..taw xpe... nseb bek ade sorok2 cover line..heheh :P

  4. qaseh : yup! betoi3..setuju kn...coz sbtu ahd kompem penoh umat manusia kat shoping mall...hoho.. so lgi untung klu isnin - jumaat dia wat, tu kire ok20 sen, KSJ pnh jmpe smpi 70 sen...haha..x gilo mahal.. klu sbtu & ahd pkai plstik bru okei sket..santai2 weekend...ek.. ^^)


